
Used to Be Easy

      As I grew up through all my many faces, through all my many journeys...I always got the same response from the different strangers, or the few I kept that close to me, "You should write a book....". My entire life I loved reading writing, mostly poetry, but if need be I could write an essay in school like it was nobodies business. Now as I have gotten older, and mothered children my talents have seemed to fade. I can barely remember how to spell my own name most of the time. There are days like today, with all the insanity in the world, sickness, sadness, and death, that I feel like my time to maybe help others that went through similar situations as I, is becoming less likely to happen. That if there was ever a good time to recover...its now.      COVID-19 has become something that has hindered me, emotionally crippled me on top of my losing a main character/angel in my life, 3 years ago as of October 2020. Losing my grandmother was quite possibly in...